Monday, September 29, 2008

Look at this humor!
Please go to this site, you can't not laugh. The page shows around twenty ads for political campaign. They are fake, and stupid. They do show you just how childish these ads can get. I almost cried laughing at the jedi form of Obama. He really does look a little like Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson's character off of STAR WARS). I often do find myself thinking that political adds a bit ridiculous, but usually it just makes me angry. This pushes so far to make it funny. Allot of people actually admit (via comments) that they would be influenced by a few of the ads. So maybe it is us who is so mejavascript:void(0)ssed up to fall victim to these adds.


Elsa Dithmer said...

That article really was very funny! I think it is hilarous how they can switch up so many things and photoshop can add so much to there humorous arguments. I laughed so much at the Mcain and Cyrus campagin. Good article!

Courtney A said...

For your humorous argument...
The argument isn't entirely clear without your explanation. It's a great argument but its a little hard to see. The placement of the line "Obama's Economic Plan?" is confusing so perhaps moving it would be clearer. I think you should stick with this idea and concept, it's very good!

Eric said...


The most effective part of your cartoon, I thought, is the question at the end. If you can do a better job of drawing the cartoon and better explaining what you are trying to say in the dialogue, the cartoon could definently work. Otherwise, using exaggeration in a dialogue or monologue would be a great way to find humor in the economy.

Lindsay B said...

For Your Humorous argument..
I thought you did a nice job. It was effective and had a clear point. I thought the lemonade added to the humor. For suggestions, maybe take out Biden's picture or place it next to Obama's. Right now it kind of looks like they are opposing eachother. Well done.

Shane T. said...

On your comic,
I like the idea of using lemonade stands. to make it more clear maybe have them on opposite sides of a street making it feel more like a neighborhood competition would add some humor. The one thing that confused me was the photos. I understand Obamas but why Biden, shouldn't it be McCain?

Noelle said...

As to your humorous argument...
I like the idea and it makes it's points, but I think that the main reason why I understood was because of your explanation. It may make the lines more obvious if you were to put the sign underneath the booth or have signs pointing to two different directions instead of two lines because it may get confusing.

Xander said...

I would like to commend you on your bravery to undertake economics as your choice. It was a very interesting way of looking at people's greed and sloth. However, the exact point that you try to make isn't clear. I don't think that there is anything wrong with including a line of text to make your point.

David F said...

Not to beat a dead horse but to make your cartoon clearer would definitely help. But your idea is solid and good humorous argument. Once you explained it, it made perfect sense. I would put Obama's picture and Joe Biden's picture together because at first glance it looks like your comparing their two different economic policies. You could do a comparison between Obama and McCain. just something to think about, but otherwise great job.

Elsa Dithmer said...

About your Humorous argument that you presented in class on Thursday I really thought you had a good idea. I understand not being able to draw but I didn't think the computer version was that bad. I really like the lemonade stand idea. If you just make them a big obvious and add more to the signs your argument would be golden.

Sara V said...

This really is a good idea because it doesn't make sense how Obama will increase jobs along with welfare, food stamps, etc. However, I only really understood your cartoon when you explained it. I think you said that you were going to get someone else to draw it for you, so that will definitely help to make the cartoon more clear. Just keep working at it!

whopkins said...

I know your argument makes sense on a certain level. I just think if you could explain it a little clearer in your cartoon it would be teriffic. All yu need to do is tie up a few loose edges and make it clearer you will be great. Great idea though.

Marissa S said...

Your cartoon was very funny and definetely makes a point. However, without your explanation it's a little hard to see your point. Maybe if you just made it a little bigger or more detailed it could be a little bit more effective!

Shannon S said...

I could definitely tell what your cartoon was about, and I thought the "and lemonade" joke was funny. But maybe in future drafts it will be more obvious though? Political cartoons are usually very quick/easy reads.

akwilkins said...

Craig, I really like your idea. It is very creative, but yes, I do think it will be more effective if you draw it .

Rachel Harper said...

I think your argument was good, you were down on yourself for no reason. My only suggestion would be to somehow put the 2 lines under the same banner, or have them next to eachother so it doesnt make it look like they are opposed or against eachother: that Obama and Biden are both handing out different things under the same plan

AlleOsborne said...

Yea the star wars part is really great and funny. I loved it. The lemonade was a nice little kicker too. Good job.

Justin S. said...

very funny, i love the point. i would just make it bigger and your in the money!

Tommyboy said...

I thought this was a good example of a humorous argument. photoshop is awsome for stuff like this and you used it effectivly to endorse your argument.